Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Your First Time...

Witnessing someone sing in public, for the first time,
is really a treat.

They've chosen a song, strengthened their voice, gone through a tiny bit of hell and showed up onstage!

It SO deserves applause!

I always feel that, no matter how they sound, they deserve huge hugs and kisses just for showing up.
For most of us, taking ourselves and our voices seriously is a big step in allowing ourselves to be the
NUMBER ONE STAR in our very own production called: My Life (...the musical!)

I've noticed that consciously asking for the spotlight, stepping into it and saying to the Universe at large , "Bring it ON!" seems to bring a pretty big response from all four directions!

Most people gear up for the negative judgement that they just KNOW is on its way. The judgement they are counting on so they can use it as an excuse to justify their "I'm not good enough to do this" point of view...
They usually aren't prepared for the onslaught of positivity that rains and pours...

The Universe at Large seems to
particularly appreciate what it takes to sing a song!

And this theme seems to be somewhat Universal.
Taking into account strange religious rulings about No Singing,
generally, in every corner of the world,
singers get measurable and exalted praise.

However, in the United States singing has lost its practical recognition in the community.
People generally think of 'being a Star" when they refer to someone wanting to sing.
But actually we should remind ouselves that singing has always been a point of ritual and commemoration,
celebration and punctuation to our daily lives.

That being said, singers ( or anyone willing and able to lend a vocal chord!)
provide a very necessary service.

Think of a funeral or wedding without singing! Or a birthday or New Years Eve or a ballgame!

If we think of integrating our best singers back into their communities not only will we have REALLY HAPPY HAMBONES who love to sing, who know they are needed and are willing to do all sorts of events at the drop of a hat, we will also stop making singing only for The Stars.

Everyone will learn to do it once again and stop thinking of it as an exclusive ability for only a chosen few.
That alwasy bugged me..the chosen few thing. Only a few have talent, etc
If you've been reading this blog you'll know what I think of the term "talent"...


Singing belongs to every BODY that has a voice.
Re-integrating it, on a daily basis, back into our lives will nourish and support everyone being able to express themselves
more frequently, more beautifully and with less stress.....
singing is normal.

Birds do it! Bees do it!
I dunno about fleas...
But I definitely know that YOU

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

June 2009

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