Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Check It Out!"

Singers' Daily? Weeeelll...
Its the Singers' By-Weekly if its a day.

I'm noticing I don't write about something decidedly 'vocal' unless
its really authentic.

Meaning, its something I've recently dealt with
in my vocal studio. Or its something that's
really "up" for one or all of my students.

Keepin' it real, little darlin' real as I can.
SO, what's been "up" this week?

I have had so many requests, recently,
to teach really little kids to sing that
I am responding with a new vocal program.

Kids (2 to 7 years) don't really have the attention span,
nor the desire to master anything too technical,
nor should they.

Yet, learning how to sing, or rather, duplicating,
expressing and engaging the voice
can start as early as you like! It just
takes saintly parenting to deal
with it super early. All that screaming and
experimenting can drive one
"Too Much Barney" crazy.

So, I've come up with a new program
and a structure for parents
to teach their own kids the basics.

Whether they themselves are any good at
it or not won't matter. As long as the parents are willing to
show kids that they themselves are willing
to learn voice as well...
the kids will sing out with gusto.

Now, the kids will sing out anyway and early on!
(The reason for so many proud parents calling
me wondering if its too early
to start vocal training!)

But the second they notice Mom and/or Dad not ever
or refusing to sing...they get a funny message.
So the permission and duplication of the
energy of "Its OK To Sing" stays mostly at school
or daycare.

Our kids then become adults that
fill my vocal studio with a heartfelt desire
to learn to sing!

Listen, I don't mind: You've all kept me vigorously
employed for 30 years!

AND: why not nip this in the bud?

Parents need to be a part of
the vocal permission process (ie..."Its OK to sing!")
by example as much as possible.

Soon, you'll be able to download
the programs directly from my website

(Probably Spring of 2010 @

Isn't that great??

I think it rocks. I don't mind being "Auntie Divy"
for The Universe. It kinda suits me now.

The whole project
is a direct response to a need that is largely unfulfilled!
I am ecstatic to fill it with 30 years of encouraging everyone
to SIMPLIFY and relax into the path to vocal mastery.

If you'd like to be apart of the test marketing
group contact me on Facebook or directly:

Oh, and the obvious by-product is
parents get super easy to learn, basic vocal technique
in a repetitive style for next to nothing!

Quite a lovely win win I think.

This is Auntie Divy for
The Singers' Daily
(which is really
The Singers' "When Divy has anything relevant to say or if
she Feels Like IT" BLog)

Thanks all, for your comments and support.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"I Fell Down"

Yes I did. I feough doughn.
I fell off my beloved horse...the one who loves me and would NEVER dump me in a bush and run.

As I was falling ( in SUPER slow motion) my partner said quietly
"Oh, there she goes". His horse standing quietly by , watching.

It was very humorous cuz I could hear him perfectly! He was reading my
mind! "...awwww here I go...." Surrender time!

Mid air, I just waited for the BUMPPH of hitting the ground
(which was very soft) and I cracked up laughing inside as
my body groaned....but it was very light and even a bit fun.
So dumb! No saddle, lots of mud and deer and horses not having
been on the trail in a few weeks....what a recipe!

An adventure you don't exactly sign up for but are fine with later...
I'll take the badge of honor and have that good story in my back pocket no problem!

Gigi says, "Are you pouting???"
I says, with the curled lip of 5 yr old "yeeeessss"...

Cuz I fell off my horse! I never fall off horses!
I just don't! (pout pout pout).

And as good friends will he made me laugh n laugh
at was fun and today I get
a well deserved massage.

SO, sportsfans... when singing:
you might fall off!
Don't pout. It only hurts for a second (if that!)
At the very least let us rib you in the ribs a bit so you don't
take your "process" so seriously, K?
Get right back into the song and earn your badges.

You'll have plenty of them by years end...and many great
stories to tell of daring do, singing off key, forgetting lyrics,
going forward anyway! Its an adventure!

And adventures are GREAT!!
Especially when you least expect them.

Walk it off soldier!
No one can tell you're limping
when you're in heels anyway!


This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

i feough doughn

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Synchronous Sound of Silence

"Hello darkness my old frieeeeend...."

no no no thats Simon n Garfunkle...what was I going to say?
AH! Right...!

Recently, I've come to see and hear more musically!
Which for me means: more clearly...

I'm applying my skills as a musician to everything (and everyone) around me...
at last. Everything is singing, everyone a song. WAY easier for me to see and hear!

When exploring these new skills my head, like a puppy listening to music,
will sometimes tilt gently from side to side.
My eyebrows a bit screwy as I listen to what's what people are REALLY saying...
and I hear them!

I can relax!
I hear the song that they are, not just the words they are selling.

When listening to music, singers especially, I could always hear clearly
everything that was present or contracted out of reality.
Everything in nature as well:
easy to observe, communicate with and see clearly.

But People? I mean just in general? Way confusing...

When my Dad said the little fish I was about to poke through the eyeball to use as bait (for the really big big
fish I was sure to catch on a long ago deep sea fishing trip)
WOULD NOT FEEL A THING when I did this...I heard the lie trying to protect me. And saw CLEARLY
the exquisite level of torture I was beginning to perpetrate on the little fish.

I stopped,of course. Started crying and threw the fish overboard. (I did catch a rather large
Yellowtail later that afternoon...baited by the Captain himself!)

So my conclusions were mixed:
voices could bring rapture and bliss and relaxation and stability or
lie to your face! How could this be!?

I just couldn't quite see people clearly.

And then one day, while singing, that fairy world of denial
just slipped away and
I could see and hear
like a new born!

Okay well...a LOT of study and meditation
probably helped! But the moment was just simple and easy...

So to everyone who is performing this next month (including ME!)
Do we really have fear and trepidation?

Or are we are simply excited to express and share and be
with each other in such a dynamic way!?

Performing is such a huge opportunity for growth
as we choose NOT to
judge any aspect of our performance
in any direction: Simply enjoying
putting in the flight hours of
practical expression for all to
See and Hear.

We CAN see and hear what is really happening.
We DO know what is important and
what is not.

As it always was.

Gratitude and Love,

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily


Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Why Not Be Great?"

And Coco Channel....

Coffee's nice...chocolate
all yummy.

How enjoyable can we create the experience of mastering Self?
Here is voice as template:

Today we went over the basics((Again??!!)
Looping deeper and expanding our level of control AND relaxation at higher rates of speed.

And then we went over it again, in slooowww motion just for fun!
Then we worked it and worked it and worked it and rested and grew big fat muscles!*WHEW*

And then we streeeetched and became sooo flexible, singing sexy ballads to no one in particular!

Then we sped it all up and marveled at our hyper rate of speed!


Then we performed: singing for a few hundred angels, not caring at all if we failed or succeeded.

And then...we "started" again (in a completely new place of course)..

Going over the basics, finding the newness underneath! How Cool!

And on and on and on..... ballerinas and race car drivers all.

Someone mentioned recently how amazing some of my students are
and how well they deliver a song...someone who has watched me teach for years.

I was like "Of course they are!"
I'm so used to you all succeeding...even when you don't quite know you have.

Everyone I work with is totally amazing.
Its just a fact.

Choirs of angels all around me!
You guys SO rock!!

Now I'll get all these emails asking "Did I miss something..some performance?"
No no are all just doing better then you can imagine...right now.

No performance necessary...until (for some of you)
OCT 13th!!!

You'll be great....cuz it just doesn't matter: so, then, why not be great?

This is Divy Nelson
in praise of Devoted Diva's
and Divine Dervishes...

The Singers' Daily

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Such Desire Is An Everyday Affair"

I actually have a tremendous desire for you to sing well...because I know whats its like.
Its FANTASTIC to do it, be it, experience it...master it! Of course I'd want this
for you! :-)

In the big picture, singing is just something to do, to play around with.
Its not that important in and of itself. Its just a form of expression.

Its poignancy can be tremendously uplifting and
your vibration can shift worlds...but thats true of many things.

Animals sing all the time. Everyone seems so surprised and almost shocked to hear dogs
or horses or whales make long, calling sounds with their eyes closed.

Celebrating the enjoyment of being alive is instinctual?

Singing out in the community, playing in clubs, singing at your friends wedding, singing in church is a blast.
It doesn't need to lead anywhere! It is, in and of itself, totally satisfying!

When we make it a means to an end, like, to become famous
or to make an impression the "trying to prove something" energy
comes across.

And the event is much less fulfilling for the singer
(whether they know it or not).

I started performing again recently just for fun and its been...FUN!
I'm not looking for validation anymore so its easier then ever.

I want to thank the Michael Goss Band in Austin for making
it even easier to enjoy playing out...and for being SO good!
And thank you to Annie Reed for getting my butt there!
Annie is an amazing singer on many levels and I'm grateful to her!

When something is right, it will fall into your lap...with almost no effort.

Want a new relationship? Be your sexy, cool, wonderful self and just forget about it!
Wanna be a a famous singer? Play out, practice, write n record while being your cool sexy self and ...
forget about it!

When you forget about what you want out of something
it delivers when you least expect it.

And stick to your craft, mastering it as best you can.
Mastering something, putting in the "10 Thousand Hours" is
a way of life and can give true fulfillment regardless of goals
or targets.

And once you have mastered anything, it gives you the means to travel the path of
mastering everything....even yourself AS life itself.

Mastering myself....Being Myself....being.
Just an everyday affair!

With True Hearts Love
and Desire for all beings to
Sing as the Stars We Are...

This is Divy for
The Singers' Daily
(well, weekly at this point)

(since 12 million BC)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"I'm Often Asked..."

Why does this seem so hard when it was easy yesterday in the car?
How long is this gonna take?
Do I sound ridiculous?
Was that "right"?

It probably sounded WONDERFUL but are you gonna believe that?

Receiving some bit of info and imbibing its truth, feeling it resonate
throughout your bones into the knowing of your being...well,
that's pretty rare. But it can be done!

Its worth a try! Right!?

Awww go on...Give it a go.....
"Your voice is beautiful."
(pretend I'm saying this to you personally, like, you know, right now).


(Okay, what'd your 'head' spit back at you about that?)

"Your face, when you're singing is like an Angel!"
(How about that one in?)

"Your soul is showing and your voice seems to be weaving you
back together in a whole
new way!"

(How'd that go down?)

"When you sing that note I..I just want to CRY its so...I don't know.....
Gorgeously YOU!" (Try THAT one on.)

My point is...(... on the top of my head?) no no..MY POINT is that hearing, from someone else who is listening or watching, how
beautiful we are, never quite...lands.
If, on the off chance, it does, does it stick?

Do we integrate it into all the other information we've gathered about ourselves
allowing it, by its elevated nature, to UPLIFT all the other crap we've taken on as "true" and self-evident?
Do we take that ultra positive with us for the rest of our lives?
Do we count on it as Truth in a pinch? ("But officer, I am really beautiful and wonderful and
sing like an angel...!!") ("Honey, I am a really beautiful vibration and I actually Love you and you do not need to yell.")
etc I could make these up all DAY!)

For what its worth, no matter who you are or what
your behavior has been lately.....You voice is already beautiful.

It is not a "part"of you...
its YOU!

You are not a "part" of Oneness.
You are IT!

So when You sing, who is singing?
(What is singing?)

Whyyyyyy is this relevant?
Might this perspective get us to relax the "doing it RIGHT" fist of Technique and
sing in a more natural way? While at the same time
enjoying that we've got technique and can CHOOSE IT ANYTIME?

Even if we're scared, contracted or both?

I am REALLY good at this job...I see the results everyday
and its pretty darn gratifying!
I mean, I love just singing a song, getting paid, getting applause (oh the glory)
And this, this conversation we're having (well, I'm having, I have no idea if anyone is actually having it with me.)... just a tad more fascinating.

Thanks for the comments all!
Go see Julie and Julia
if you haven't is very sweet...pun intended.

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

ciao for now
PS: comments on FACEBOOK are fine as well! and THANK YOUUUU!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Singing As Prayer

There are millions of people in hopeless situations at the moment. Of course, this may have always been true.
It is what we have been choosing for a very long time.

The real question is:
Am I consciously choosing happiness in any given moment?

A sign that things have changed is that this subject used to be regarded as
airy-fairy and way out. Now its considered common sense by most people,
that one can choose to be happy.

Unhappy people avoid singing because it reminds them of forgiveness, power,
kindness, allowance and redemption. For those few moments
they actually would be happy, or at least remember that choosing it is possible.

A major shift towards wholeness and enlightenment is understanding that happiness
is a choice. The test is when things are going really badly.

What do we usually
choose then?

What reasons and justifications have I historically put in place that dictate when I can
be happy? And how much happiness I deserve to feel? And for how long?

Sometimes singing is NOT what I feel like doing. But, for professional reasons I, of course,
do it anyway. I discovered that it healed almost all wounds.

Time, choice and prayer did the rest.

When singing is prayer Communion with all things can be perceived.
When singing is heart centered it heals the singer and anyone listening,
opening hearts and paving the way for
even more integration and the
Awareness of Oneness.

In this sense, what value does singing a song have?

Much love to you today
and everyday.

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sing For Life cuz Life Is Singing!

Technically, Life is vibration. The sound we hear cannot be seen!
But it coalesces into form and matter and we call it physical Life.

Our bodies are like tuning forks that vibrate and resonate along with what we think and expose them to.
Its obviously important that we choose people, environments, jobs ("songs") that really nourish us.

The Vibration that we choose, that symphony as a thematic masterpiece, becomes our lives
and our experiences in it!

And isn't it funny how radically our sympathetic preferences for vibration
change over time as we evolve??

I mean, what I HAD TO HEAR everyday when I was a teenager I don't listen to much at all now.
When I do I love it! But it doesn't excite and sustain me
(or my body) for very long. My priorities have changed.

What I really want to experience is different now...and seems to be changing daily!

As a professional singer desiring to make a substantial living I would sing whatever was put in front of me
and did quite well. But there came a point when using my amazing vibration
to sell alcohol or cigarettes or whatever I didn't personally use myself became
a burden. The money was great! But it began to feel dishonoring of me as a vibration to vibrate along and sing
about things that didn't matter to me...even for a great paycheck!

Crazy, I know, but there you have it!

IF you have a song you are going to sing live, one that you love, but some of the lyrics
don't quite fit your perspective and your vibrational preferences:

And if you are singing something that is not comfortable for you
either don't sing it or just have fun
not caring about, and not allowing your vibration to be affected by
that song.

Or is that a monumental compromise?

If I let myself get away with little compromises does that lead to
bigger and more substantial ones?

When in my life do I simply STOP
compromising my vibration?

At the very least I give myself the luxury to
never sing a song I don't like...

But I will not sing the theme from Cats:
"Mooooon liiight. All alone inthe laaaamp liiiight..."
The melody is CRAZY and its too hard.
(It doesn't show me off even tho I have the range!)

ANyhuuu this blog entry is a bit pithy and can be an analogy
for Life in General (if there is any such thing).

But try this:

Wherever you are, look around right now.
What you see is the result of your singing a song,
speaking words with underlying intentions that
created your current view.

Do you like what you see?
Do you want to change it?

Do you want to add something to the
Song of Your Life?

Just don't stop singing...
since you are part and parcel
as Life itself singing SOMETHING
will be easier and less effort then resisting
this grand symphony.

Much love and energy to you this week from
The Singers' Daily (which is weekly at this point)
check out

This is Divy...
Ciao for now

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Singing Gives Soooo Much Pleasure

Pleasure. Pleasure?

Pleasure:positive mental state arising from complex perception, writing or reading, accomplishment, recognition, service, indeed through any imaginable activity.

Well, I could give it a few more analogies.... ;-)
But what I have experienced, all my life, is that... is quite literally a pleasure to sing.

It is, unto itself and as an action, engrossing and fulfilling.

Why would we deny ourselves that particular pleasure?

Well....there are as many reasons as there are people.
I've heard SO many reasons to not do it and so many deeply held and secret desires TO do it.
(While everybody watches!) Hmmmmmmmm...very interesting.

At this point I am facilitating (making it easier) for anyone who would like that pleasure in their lives.
And that is, in itself...a pleasure.

An honor, really.
I know I've said that before in this blog but that sentiment lives in me so strongly.

Sooooooooo my point today would be to give yourself as much pleasure, of ALL kinds, as you can. And not to leave out SINGING for pleasure. Performing for pleasure. Getting loads of applause for pleasure. Earning money while singing for pleasure!Wearing WAY COOL outfits onstage for pleasure!

Getting all the cute guys and girls to notice you....for pleasure!
Being in the spotlight by choice...for pleasure...etc etc

Life can be a pleasure.
Just being in it can be be flowing and relaxing and wonderful...when we let it be.

Singing, daily, reminds me to take pleasure in life. No matter what!!

Take pleasure in your day today.
Just for fun!

This is the
Pleasure Addled Chanteuse,
Divy Nelson
The Singers' Daily at

hugs n kisses

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"What SECRET OPINION Do You Have About Your Voice?"

Acknowledging your voice is like acknowledging your self.
It's your vibrational signature!

Do you like the instrument you use to speak with?
Does it sound good to you when you hear it played back on a recording?

What is your secret opinion of your voice?

What is a secret opinion you have about yourself?

What have you decided you should NEVER do with your voice?

What would you really like to do?

Speaking up and 'showing up', in life, are proactively similar.
Many people, after taking voice, show up more and are 'seen' differently.

They are risking being heard for the first time in their lives.
Not only on stage or in a classroom but everywhere!

It generally pays off in cuter dates, bigger paychecks, more sales, being able to write clearly and more social influence.
When you work the voice you magnetize the tuning fork of the body.
You then attract so much more!
The sound of your voice does it for you.

What SECRET OPINION do you have of your voice?
Let me know and I'll help you with that as best I can.

This is Divy Nelson
The Singers' Daily

((answer some of those questions n I'll write back to you!))

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Entire Family

Re-educating families is part of my job. In this big city whole families, from all over the globe, arrive together on the first session if they are dropping off a child or teen. Its quite a celebration!

The technique I created (The Six Point Vocal WAV Method) is very athletic and the exercises can be loud and non-traditional.
So the entire family needs to support the student. Whether that's Mom or Dad or one of the children.
Those are some LOUD and FUNNY noises (along with the usual, recognizable scales and songs)

Much Kindness is required....and no joking around! No answering back through the bedroom door or calling out moo-ing sounds from the backyard! You gotta work with me people!!

Nothing that isn't totally obviously innocent support!
You can tell I am ADAMANT ABOUT THIS.

And people from ANY culture get it. And feel safe and secure because of it.
I will protect them from each other if I have to. With much glee and eye winking.

Everyone gets it.

So, I retrain families to respond with support and tremendous positivity.

I prepare the student as well.
Asking them to stand up for themselves and their voice.
Asking them to protect this vulnerable process until they feel confident.
Or at least until they can come back from dumb questions with snappy answers.
Or better yet educated answers that are about technical voice
and why they sounding the way they do at present.

The pulling apart process is awkward at first. Old speech pattern habits
coming apart at the seams can sound funny and even the
speaking voice begins its transformation.

So, in summery, today was a really great day.
I am finding my way to retrain, or just explain to them what is required for
someone in the family to really learn how to sing.

Today they were from India, Japan and Germany.
(Though I suspect the Germans have been here a few generations!!)

I love my job.

Gratitude for you and your beautiful voice.
Get it working! You may really need it!

Check out

If you read this blog regularly and get someone into my studio
I'll send you some FREE stuff (cd's)

This is Divy for
The Singers' Daily

Stay cool in this heat, all you Texans!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Singing Is Natural: Learning To Sing Can Be As Well!!

If no one told you not to, you'd be singing. If you'd seen other people in your family singing, like as not, you'd be as well!


Its fun, fulfilling, sexy and performing for other people ROCKS! So...if its such a natural thing how come more people don't feel comfortable doing it? Even in the shower?

Well (said Dr.Divy, clearing her professional throat...) I believe everyone WILL!


Its one of the most natural expressions of being alive. Birds do it, bees humm it...
even educated fleas...etc etc

If you were left to your own devices creatively and were raised around really relaxed, relatively enlightened usually positive people you'd have learned to sing easily.

People even learn under stress and duress!
They're just not that happy when they're off stage. Can be a problem.

Anyway, every problem I've ever had the honor of helping to"fix" has come down to some habitual
contraction. And once relaxed and all atrophy aside (vocally muscling up) everyone learns to sing quite well!

Now, they may have some residual vocal side effects from being vocally contracted for however many years,
but they learn to relax and get stronger and they love it.

What if you'd been instructed to sit in a straight backed chair for 35 years?
When u finally stood up what do you think you and your body might go through?

What if you'd been denying yourself swimming? What's it like to learn later in life? What do you go through?

And if you're a kid (or know one) and you are strong and flexible and willing to learn how long do you think
learning to sing might take you?

((I've had kids grasp the basics and use their new voice naturally in a matter of HOURS!))

When you relax your fist what's left? An open palm, a helping hand, a lift up, a great handshake, a high five and a pat on the head for doing your rehearsal CD just like I asked!!


Love you all and thanks for reading
The SIngers' Daily

This is Divy Nelson

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vocal Workshop Offering Quick Fix = Totol Bull!

Why waste your time and money? Would you go to a one day workshop about Karate and expect yourself and/or your body to retain it?
Would you give the thrill of surfing a one day chance and then judge the measure of your surfing abilities by that day?

Would you try speaking Spanish using a ONE day workshop and really expect to have it down?

NO!! So.....

Please do not go to some workshop offering the one time 'discovery' of your voice. Not unless you use it to kick-start a term of study that will actually last for a lifetime! Even a six week program in my vocal studio will change your vocal trajectory permanently.

If you can learn to run faster you can learn to sing.
If you can learn a language you can learn to sing, and well!

But someone offering you something impossible is just that: impossible. Or very very very very UNLIKELY, lets just put it that way. Just so I don't sound so negative. Wouldn't want to squelch the magic!!

I have facilitated thousands of people with their voices over a 30 year period of time.
There are only a few things to fix or relax or be aware of really!! But that awareness takes a certain amount of attention and
focus to grow. The body takes time to retrain and do what you'd like it to when its under pressure (i.e. people staring at you while they listen to you sing!)

It takes a bit of patience, some skillful coaching....and yes, you can have a great voice.

Being able to sing, with a nice vibrato, on pitch and on key, in rhythm and in front of people ONE TIME
really doesn't mean that, from then on, you'll be able to do it ever again.

That is one of the MAIN points of frustration for semi-professional singers or a really good amateur.
Repeating the performance!

SO, my point again is, get with a good coach. Study voice for a stretch of time. Get measurable results that you and everybody else can appreciate and have fun with it the good old fashioned way. By applying yourself.

I had a very excited note on Facebook today about something one of my students "got!" technically.
So much JOY and enthusiasm makes it all worth it!

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What Does Singing "Clear"??

Singing clears the emotional self. The physical action of singing has profound effects on every body system!

You also can't think about much else besides what your singing while you're singing it! You become instantly centered in the present.

Its a yoga, a martial art.
Strength, agility, laser focus, flexibility, practice! confidence, relaxation, being present... its the same travel path.

But then you add people watching, judging, comparing and applauding....this bumps it up a notch.
How the hell can you prepare for this much multi-tasking?

What you really learn to do is handle, from total relaxed presence, eveything at once: allowing your voice to continue working under pressure.

Its a knack.

So , to master the voice one must be able to master it under pressure which brings us to performing.

There are SO many benefits to learning to perform I won't list them all but just know its worth it!
Performing can give you a confidence you never thought possible. And that confidence can be applied to everything in your life.

I'm writing this today, after teaching for the last few hours, watching as my students allow themselves to begin the process of desiring to perform. That desire, if allowed, fuels the mastery process beautifully. Whatever the real motivation it doesn't seem to matter. I'm grateful the desire is born because it makes my job so much easier!

So then, in a performance class, we'll sing for each other. Support each other and be VERY very positive with our feedback.

And we'll watch each other bloom with expression, with newfound confidence and relaxation expanding into vocal mastery.

Its such a blast.

Have a great today and tomorrow.
This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily




Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Craft of Ease

Teaching today I was struck with how we sometimes think something is wrong with our voice or our life when in fact we are just not applying enough energy to the task!

Generally, it is easy for me to sing well. I'm quite used to how much effort it really takes and I apply it almost automatically.
Singing is an athletic event and being an athlete helps!

Well, how about when creating money? or romance? or expansive lifestyles? or physical health?
How athletic am I there?

I gradually got used to how much effort, strength, flexibility and stamina my voice required of me to use it well and accurately.

For many its hard and almost not worth mastering....
Does that make singing easy or difficult to accomplish? And by whose measure?????

I'd really like to analogize this out into our greater lives.
Apply this principle to making money, being in relationships, spiritual attainment or anything we deem worth having or doing.

There are two camps. Everything should be easily attained because that's how you know you are on the right track and in the flow so to speak. And its opposite: everything worth doing is hard: hard work, hard labor, hard won = more value.

Its true: everything we want is easy to attain if we actually want it, do whatever is suggessted to aquire it and never look back!
The actual steps may involve enormous amounts of time, study, practice, patience and love...but none of that is particularly
difficult to figure out. And its true: some of those steps will have you break a sweat! Is that hard? If one is making an enormous effort easily, while breaking a sweat does that mean the task is "hard" and therefore the thing not easily done and not worth doing?

Simply going for 'ease' all the time means there's probably a reaction to a lifetime (or 10) of suffering to attain anything.
The point of view is still rooted in limitation. It can seriously give you the impression that WORK is a bad thing!

Remember, everyone may have a very different way of interpreting a word and its meaning.

It is amazingly easy to sing 30 scales in tune and in time. What made it easy was a series of small steps, in themselves rather mundane. The awareness of what my voice and body required to make singing these particular scales easy is what really grew over time. And the comfort or ease with which I handled the uncomfortableness of the "work" and many weary muscles became second nature, all to be expected, not resisted and....easy.

Once in a while a skill or talent just "happens" and is labeled "TALENT" (which is supposed to be easy).
But I say for myself, there was a lifetime past where all the work had already been put in and make no mistake about it.

Therefore, if certain things come easily to you, you can apply that way of being to attaining other things as well!..but show other people what part is easy and what YOU mean by EASE! Go step by make it easy.

So, have fun singing and rehearsing and allowing what has seemed illusive to become second nature once again.
WORK AT IT! Focus on it, relax into it: whatever it takes!
And go ahead: surmount some obstacles!

Having surmounted a few hundred, I myself am ready for a nice cup of tea and a cookie.

Have a day filled with action and strength, flexibility and fervor filled with the ease of knowing you are doing exactly what you want to do! Now THAT'S ease.

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily
Ciao for now

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Your First Time...

Witnessing someone sing in public, for the first time,
is really a treat.

They've chosen a song, strengthened their voice, gone through a tiny bit of hell and showed up onstage!

It SO deserves applause!

I always feel that, no matter how they sound, they deserve huge hugs and kisses just for showing up.
For most of us, taking ourselves and our voices seriously is a big step in allowing ourselves to be the
NUMBER ONE STAR in our very own production called: My Life (...the musical!)

I've noticed that consciously asking for the spotlight, stepping into it and saying to the Universe at large , "Bring it ON!" seems to bring a pretty big response from all four directions!

Most people gear up for the negative judgement that they just KNOW is on its way. The judgement they are counting on so they can use it as an excuse to justify their "I'm not good enough to do this" point of view...
They usually aren't prepared for the onslaught of positivity that rains and pours...

The Universe at Large seems to
particularly appreciate what it takes to sing a song!

And this theme seems to be somewhat Universal.
Taking into account strange religious rulings about No Singing,
generally, in every corner of the world,
singers get measurable and exalted praise.

However, in the United States singing has lost its practical recognition in the community.
People generally think of 'being a Star" when they refer to someone wanting to sing.
But actually we should remind ouselves that singing has always been a point of ritual and commemoration,
celebration and punctuation to our daily lives.

That being said, singers ( or anyone willing and able to lend a vocal chord!)
provide a very necessary service.

Think of a funeral or wedding without singing! Or a birthday or New Years Eve or a ballgame!

If we think of integrating our best singers back into their communities not only will we have REALLY HAPPY HAMBONES who love to sing, who know they are needed and are willing to do all sorts of events at the drop of a hat, we will also stop making singing only for The Stars.

Everyone will learn to do it once again and stop thinking of it as an exclusive ability for only a chosen few.
That alwasy bugged me..the chosen few thing. Only a few have talent, etc
If you've been reading this blog you'll know what I think of the term "talent"...


Singing belongs to every BODY that has a voice.
Re-integrating it, on a daily basis, back into our lives will nourish and support everyone being able to express themselves
more frequently, more beautifully and with less stress.....
singing is normal.

Birds do it! Bees do it!
I dunno about fleas...
But I definitely know that YOU

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

June 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

There Is No Problem!

I'm going to introduce my basic philosophy on Life in this little entry here... and apply it to singing of course
Okay...ready? Here it is:

There is NO problem. There never was and never will be.
Don't like that last note? Didn't get a breath in time? Messed up the lyrics?
It is just not a problem!

I always noticed that for really talented (please review my first blog entry in this series on my pov on "talent" if you're interested) ...Okay, for really open, flowing and skilled musicians,
improvisation was the art of discovery and recovery!

Climbing out on a limb, becoming obviously a little lost and
recovering beautifully! Finding any path back to key equilibrium and moving on!
Doing this quickly and efficiently! Improv!

Improvisation can also be applied to Life, singing, making love, cooking, finding a good dentist etc.

SO, lets review (already?)
I've just hit a clunker note/ there's a cute person in the front row/ I don't even FLINCH/ there's a famous movie director in the 2nd row/ I sing another note close to the last one that creates the impression that I MUST'VE clearly hit that last note on purpose/ then, find my way back to familiar territory/ WALLAH!....saved my musical ass once again!

No problem, no pain or thoughts about hitting a "wrong" note that really did go against the key and feel of the song... just for a second! Just a weaving dance of notes that fly and float around the key, the melody flying about in and out of what I'm singing...all is well!

AND it sounded fine AND the sax player compliments me on some very interesting improvisational choices and he especially loved the dissonant notes and there's no problem!

So, coming up with ways to NOT hit a bad note can become a dogmatic technical uncreative point of view that hinders your discovery and consequently your learning to recover!

Becoming an accurate singer is, of course, a good idea. And one should be able to sing what one hears in one's head on command: I agree. But in ANY moment, if that does not happen for whatever's no problem.

It never was! It never will be.

Pressure off to be the perrrrrfect singer before you can have the time of your life performing for the folks???

Revealing yourself,
essentially vulnerable
and as naked as you can be,
to the world

Don't make something that is so much fun a problem.

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

(since 1492)
PS: it is important to have sung about 10 thousand scales in every key during your hourly practice, if you are a beginner.
Just thought I'd throw that in. Its like the steering wheel on your fancy car. More on scales later..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ain't None Of Your Business!

You THINK you know what you sound like.
Yes you doooo.

Butcha don't. You Can't!
Know how I know? Cuz acoustically I'm way over hear, listening to you project towards me (hopefully).
You are inside your body listening through bone and tissue and not in the correct spot to hear yourself at all!
Its that simple! Plus we are looking at you and that can take up more of our attention then anything else.

Plus throw in a little judgement and its over!
Its too hard to tell the real impact a voice being driven by YOU has! Plus, if your good, you're too busy driving to notice.

I know, for myself, that I am way too close to my own process to be objective.
I wish someone had clued me in about this long ago. I'd have relaxed a lot!

For the last 15 years, when I get offstage, I ALWAYS have someone close by give me 2 seconds of feedback.
"How was it?" Because I honestly do not know! I can hardly remember! I was too busy singing.
So I depend on someone I trust giving me quick, objective feedback.

For the first ten years of my 'singing with the band' career the only feedback I got, besides "Divy, that was great" was "well, it was kinda hard to hear you because...." and then I'd get to hear how all my vocal efforts were mostly drowned out by a band playing all over itself and not being able to hear itself play!

This prompted me to be the Queen Of Amazing Monitor Systems. Much to the annoyance of most of my drummers. They being directly behind me and in the line of fire from my VERY clear monitor speakers. My drummers could hear me as well as I could. I trained a lot of young drummers to play underneath in THE number one supportive position, as the rhythm section, and not all over the front line as a soloist.

Anyway, the point is, as you stretch and strengthen and mold and expand a beautiful singing voice you cannot tell what you really sound like. For that matter you can NEVER tell what the effect you had on your audience really was. Most honest performers know this much.

Letting a performer know what they made you feel and think during their performance is always great feedback for them. And letting them know what the overall effect was, how you perceived they effected the audience, is SUCH welcome feedback. Even if its just your opinion, its another point of view the singer cannot really have themselves and would love to know about.

So, if you can, be generous with yourself: get real feedback about what you just did onstage. It'll help you relax, learn and strive for more. It'll get you to not question your performance so much after its done!

Remember: While your growing a new voice...its none of your business what you sound like! Its too early to tell anyway!
Trust your amazing vocal coach and just keep a goin'! If you don't like what you sound like on your rehearsal CD then just
remind yourself that it DOESN'T MATTER!

It really doesn't.

Not right now anyway....give yourself the gift of trusting your feedback people and relax. Keep working it.
Trust the process!

This is Divy Nelson for
The SIngers' Daily

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Does Your Mom Think You Sing Great?

Its Important.

Its important to have people around you that believe in what you love to do regardless of the "reality" of how well you do it.
All your friends and family, when you do something you love to do, something that makes you feel like a million, should be applauding!

Sometimes, if family doesn't know what support LOOKS like, you have to spell it out. There's no shame in that. Maybe they've never known!

Its okay now to say "Hey, I know you have your own idea's about how someone should sing but: I'm taking voice because it gives me SUCH joy. I could really use your support. It would look like this: no matter WHAT you really think of my smile and you let me know you SUPPORT my efforts! It doesn't matter if the notes are GOOD OR BAD or anything in between. Just that you support the arc of my learning to do it! And thank you!"

I have students memorize these little public service announcements all the time. Mostly for family, so they get the support they can use. Not criticism they can't digest or even relate to.

Does it really matter how perfectly you sang? If your form was exact when you took a jump on your horse? That you skydived solo instead of piggy-backing along with an instructor? Does it really matter if you hit a clunker when you were pouring your heart out onstage??? In the bigger picture of Life does it matter? Will we remember the note or the HEART?

My Mom said to me yesterday that I was a really great writer. Well, I know I am not a really great writer. That's my current point of view but she convinced me enough and I got excited about writing my blog more often! There was a direct result of the support she had for me and that is now effecting you!

Support is unconditional. It has no other agenda. It is kindness up close and personal.

I really love my Mom.

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily
May 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sentimental Notions

I get sentimental. I think about all the amazing people I've trained to teach and facilitate voice over the years, where they are now.
Some are having children (Yay Sarah!) some are moving, some are helping with other family matters but, most are still teaching voice.

So many people still making a decent living with almost no overhead and loving their lives, making music all day long.
THAT is a satisfying thing to know. That I built into the program all of the simple small business techniques that have always worked well here in the states.

I am obviously proud of this, and should be.
I've watched a lot of programs promise people a lot of things, including "you will make a living" and fail over and over.
And there's my graduates, still functioning in a musical capacity while making a living.

Truly warms my heart!

SO, the vocal tip for the day is: MAKE SURE TO REST!
Lots of questions lately about hoarse and tired singing voices.

There is only one answer: rest.

I've always advised to trade talking minutes for singing ones, meaning: For every word you DON'T speak you'll get 5 extra notes at your gig or recording session. You might become the Silent Sage when not singing but, hey! whatever it takes!

Even friends of mine who've had lazar surgery have had their "nodes" or vocal calluses come back after just a short time back at work. So control the problem where u have control. Make sure the first 2 songs of each set are instrumental, one other band member can sing at least one song per set, don't show off your biggest notes in chest voice more then ONCE per night and don't talk over the house music on the breaks!(or in the talking!) and rest, rest, rest....

These habits will ensure vocal health.
We'll chat about changing your speaking voice to also help in this as well.

Happy, Healthy Singing!
This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers' Daily

May 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shouldn't Singing Like A Bird Be The Pre-requisite To Teaching Voice?

Being able to sing can come naturally or you can learn how! That's the good news. I'm in Austin, TX and there are some AMAZING vocal coaches here. Intense and professional, the folks here are from inside the music world with resumes to prove it.

Some are traditional and some not (like myself) but everyone is very sincere and doing great work.
So my question today is: who should be teaching voice and advertising that they do so?

My other question is: if you are advertising that you facilitate peoples voices shouldn't you be able to sing really REALLY well? And understand the voice, how it works, basically?

And be able to answer vocal anatomy questions at the very least? And have an arsenal of wonderful things to vocalize so your students can learn quickly?

What I've noticed about vocal study is that it changes people's lives almost always. No matter what level they're at vocally an entire transformation begins to take place when the student begins to practice.

Almost everyone notices this and will sometimes comment, saying things like "This isn't JUST about voice, is it."
Posed as a question but given as a statement the student is actually asking us if we realize how profound taking voice can be!

For all the coaches I've known trained and met over the years the answer is "YES!" We do see how totally transforming taking voice can be for everyone concerned! Especially us or we wouldn't continue for as long as some of us do!

The tears of joy after a first performance. The frustraion and tears of terror heading into that performance. Going past all previous limitations. Yes, we get it! We know the territory well and it can be sublime.

Its an HONOR to facilitate something that is held in such high esteem by so many cultures around the world.

Now: when people very innocently inquire about vocal study it is important to deliver what they're looking for. Even though we know much more will be given and received! The voice is the vehicle for this growth and that's where we put our attention and focus our expertise.

Make sure there are no hidden agendas or any other motivations for getting clients into the classroom.

Even the requirement of the coach to make a decent living can interfere with the delicacy of the process.
Simply allow those simple facts of life and don't worry about it at all. That's part of the job. No worry!

It is not possible to facilitate voice without being a real singer yourself.
Glamorous breakthroughs do not last.
Be wary of claims of super quick fix's that give your voice everything without any practice or work.

I can actually have ANYONE singing quite well in about 5 minutes. But again, it doesn't last without real, ongoing study and practice. The body requires time to integrate newfound flexibility and strength (and a million other things).
So please be wary of groups saying they are going to deliver your voice to you when they are actually just getting you excited about the POSSIBILITY of gaining your true voice!

Its just common sense, really.

By the way Skype Vocal Sessions are working GREAT! So if you'd like to take a lesson with me online email me at and we can set that up.

This is Divy for
The Singers' Daily
May 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Break

I'll only touch on this briefly as its such a hot topic all the time.
The striation of tissue (that DOES NOT VIBRATE LIKE THE REST OF THE VOCAL CHORDS) has been affectionately called "the break" because it sounds like one. The lightness of the "head" voice stops and the "chest voice" begins right at a place in the middle.

At this exact point no sound happens for a 100th of a second and it seems, as the quality changes form head to chest, that one trips over, or clunks over or smoothes over or SMEERS over (this is when you cover it up and it seems as if its not there, which it still is, of course, anatomically speaking) something.

The vocal break.
Tarzan's calling card!

The never never land right in the middle of your range.
For some its totally no big deal. A natural quality in the voice not to be worried over or studied. Some people play around with it, use it. Jump over it, pull and stretch it. No big deal!

For some its HELL!

If you are in hell with your break, and you get all scardy cat as you go up your range, like a jittery horse, knowing something you can't possibly surmount is ... coming SOON! And you start pulling your artistic punches, pulling back instead of choosing what's right for the SONG, the LYRIC and your audience.... this blogs for you!

THE most important thing to remember is....just sing the song. Make that the most important point of focus.
Let your emotion and story telling ability lead the way. And.......(here it comes....).........................

...... relax.

Its just a song. You're just singing. If we hear your break, guess what? We have one, too! So our body recognizes a natural phenomena when it hears one!

ALso, its not ugly OR pretty, it just IS. Its in your vocal anatomy so just get used to it.

To practice controlling the areas on either side of (on the piano) the notes just before it clunks and just after.
Be quiet, soft and relaxed as you plot your break. Allow the vibration to naturally break from one thickness of your vocal muscle to another. Give yourself a bit of time with this. You can do it.

Then practice and strengthen the three notes on either side of the break. In the lower head voice and the mid chest.
Then smeeeer over the break area just for fun... from the top (head) down and from the bottom (chest) up! Play around with these two area's and get used to the feel of going over that striation of tissue! You'll sound a bit 'yoddely' at first, it'll bring out the country SANGER in you'all! Go ahead and be Tarzan and learn to love and control the "Oh my god isn't my break right around here?" zone.

This is just one of MANY little ricks to get yourself nice and friendly with the break area.

Then you can CHOOSE to jump to your head voice (for men "falsetto") from chest voice.
Or you can CHOOSE to extend, with a little effort, your chest voice. Stretching it past the break area. OR you can pull that falsetto bown below the usual breaking area and get a reall smokey, Mezzo sound.

This came up in a Skype session with a student from Florida yesterday so I thought I'd mention it! LEarning how to traverse the break area is simple part of learning to sing with me. Its never an issue.

Love to all and remember, just because someone once TOLD you you had a "middle voice" its anatomically confusing to say that around your body! Your body only knows whats REAL, not what's conceptual. So stick with what the body already knows is natural and you'll stop babying your voice so significantly.

Sing like a kid! Get over yourself!

SIng well and without any fear.

CIao for now.

This is Divy Nelson for

The Singers Daily
May 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Now, in this new season of my life, I've ended up with the friends I started out with. Even some from high school (thanks to Facebook!)

Some old friends have become new friends. We grew apart then came together again. Some of the newer ones are more like Brothers in Arms. Man what we've seen and been through... it's quite a bond.

But mostly I've got the friends and family I started with...
The Long Haulers. Through thick and thin.

Everyone in between seems to have drifted or self-destructed. Either way, they're gone.
Even if they're breathing, we're not friends. Even in the knowledge of Oneness we don't connect.

That's just the way it seems now.

Singing, then, saves my heart its breaking routine...over and over.
For I 've had this thought for so long, of loyalty and platonic friendship being somehow sacred.
When they leave it breaks my heart.

I think that's left over from the playground but I don't know for sure.

Singing by myself I put these people, whom I thought comrades, into the lyric. I sing to them and for them.
Its a joy to bring myself to tears...while singing to them.

I'm so easy.

Somewhere, I convince myself, they must hear me. How could they not?
Such a plaintive, tearful rendition of "It Had To Be You" or "Smile"...
Or One of my original compositions written specifically for an old, departed (at least from MY life) pal.
Oh my god the tears doth flow. What a sap.

And after singing the requiem for them I FEEL BETTER!
I do!

Singing, just the physical/spiritual act, is so balancing and cleansing.
I pour my entire desire for them through the song and 'poof' I'm free...
free of the whole, heavy syndrome of
perceived loss.

Ahh the Daily Singer...that's what I am. I sing daily and it heals me totally.
Why would anyone want to learn to sing?
Hmmmm Good question! To be famous?

For me its the only church in town. The one that travels with me.
But, on occasion, when I do sing in a church, I can really bring the house down,
knowing how much God sings to himself. Telling Himself its all worth it.
That we will all sing and heal and play in the garden together
once again...

and be friends.

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers Daily
May 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Singers Daily

This blog will be about singing and voices and learning how to sing and keeping your voice healthy once you know how!
It will also be a forum, I hope, for questions to be answered and topics to be explored about your voice!

During private sessions and in vocal performance groups people usually ask really great questions. Most of the time we are so busy vocalizing and performing that answering these inquiries takes a back seat to the very practical focus on singing. So here I"ll try and address some of those radically cool questions and take my time doing it!

The only time I make super sure to take the time to really delve into the deeper end of the singing pool is when I'm facilitating a singer to become a Vocal Coach. We really get into it then. I think students would love to sit in on these training sessions sometimes. They're pretty fascinating.

If you're already a singer or a vocal student with me or with someone else ask questions anyway...its FREE!
Singing is NOT rocket science so, getting another opinion is smart....because,vocal coaches basically get it, and if they can EXPLAIN it and EXEMPLIFY IT for you clearly, YOU WIN! So do they...or they can talk about it in a way that confuses the HELL outa you and you wanna quit. That sucks. Everyone loses.

Anyway...this blog is a freebie!
My usual prices for answering vocal questions are quite a bit higher! Plus, I've been at this for about
28 years so, it miiiiight be worth it!


As far as I can tell on the topic of "talent"...
there is no such thing that I can find in anyone, anywhere. As far as I'm concerned its a myth.

It was always very dis-empowering to have someone say how wonderful my voice was but that, since I was so mega-Uber talented, well, that implied that I didn't have to work at it. And that OF COURSE I was performing, being so talented made it super easy, RIGHT?

Nope. It took years for me to finally abandon what I thought I got out of holding onto stage-fright. Years I tell ya.

And making my voice my life meant constant and relentless focus on music with a total immersion into the expression that is singing. EVERY-frickin-DAY!

Not in a bad way...I mean it was a total joy! All I wanted to do!
I just say it that way because people sometimes grumble if they have to spend an hour per day practicing or rehearsing.

Lets break it down...

There is desire. There is the body (your voice) and the ability to express.
What any of us chooses to do with these elements is just that, our choice.

Slowing the process down momentarily, to see how these elements interact is essential to mastery.
Once this process of observing the body/mind/vocal energy combo dance is relaxed into ..abilities seems to soar!

So , in getting REALLY good at this did I, all of a sudden, become more talented? Or just more aware?

Was I born with more "talent" or did my environment and deep past encourage more awareness concerning the subjects of music, music education and vocal expression?

Awareness is essential in the "learning to sing really great" game. When you are performing and recording you grow your awareness of your self and your voice. Your level of vocal AWARENESS determines your level of artistry. It even determines how you are perceived.

This is not really understood by many so we should probably talk about it for about three years.
Or, just sing a LOT....a lot a lot.

Being seen as "talented" always helped my career, of course! But it was really just a judgement I used to my advantage.
I've trained many people with average or slightly above average voices to be absolutely astounding.
And had a blast doing it...
We worked on their... awareness!
Awareness of what?....TUNE IN NEXT BLOG FOR....the entryyyyyyy!
Okay: First blog in this series complete! Cool.
And I think that's a LOT for the very first entry. I hope this sparks some healthy discussion and some great questions on being an amazing singer/speaker or vocalist of any kind.

Hey, so, what if you sang a quick tune right now (even if its quietly) just because you can?

This is Divy Nelson for
The Singers Daily
May 2009